A step-by-step approach to finding the best solutions for your business

Step 6: Implement!
Now that you’ve considered all your options, it’s time to make a selection and get your new system in place. It may seem as though your work is almost done—and, don’t worry, it is—but it’s crucial not to rush this last step in the process. Failing to plan the implementation process with care could lead to mistakes that are costly not only in time and resources but also in perception. You could choose the perfect phone system for your business, but if it’s not implemented well, then employees may resent the change and executive management will take notice.
Here’s a quick rundown of what you’ll need to do when implementing your shiny new system:
1. Notify staff. Give employees a heads-up that a new phone system is on its way so they can get used to the idea of change. Assure them that there’s no need to worry—they’ll get all the training and support they can handle.
2. Take inventory. Go through all of the equipment, including cables and peripherals,to make sure you received everything you ordered and that you have everything you need to get started.
3. Set up a test network. Select a small group of early adopter end users and test the system with them before deploying it company-wide to work out any kinks and also make them advocates for the new system. They can help other users get comfortable with the system and answer questions when IT isn’t around.
4. Train users. Once your vendor installs the system, provide staff with training from a professional. Group training is great for giving an overview of the system and basic features, but also conduct individual training so users can ask questions and get tours of features and functionality most important to them.Give everyone a cheat sheet with instructions for common actions and settings.
5. Party! It’s been a long process but you hung in there. Pat yourself on the back and start planning your next major project.